41 / 1
20th Apr 2023
20th Apr 2023
Yep. Note though that it only works correctly up to 65535, both the inputs AND the output, so you still can get an incorrect result if you try for example 65535 * 2. That will give you 65534, which is 131070 truncated to 16 bits.
math mathematics electronics calculator computer showcase multiplier subframe


  • LogikMacherDE
    13th Jul 2023
    you working on R3 does it have an 1d cpu and stuff? or other projects if you work on the R3 im on tptmp rn and meaby show it
  • LBPHacker
    30th Apr 2023
    Answering your question, what you do is use FILT's type but also encode tmp = 7 into the upper bits. That's 125 | (7 << 9) = 3709. Btw, join the subframe server!
  • LBPHacker
    30th Apr 2023
    I'm not sure how familiar you are with the source but bear with me: FILT's create function interprets the "v" parameter as the tmp to use. This means that anything that creates particles and controls the v parameter can spawn FILT with non-zero tmp. CRAY does control v; it uses the upper bits of ctype for this. Where the lower (type) bits end and the upper (in this case, v) bit start depends on TPT version. There are currently 9 bits allocated to the type, everything above that is v bits.
  • xiaohei_5753
    30th Apr 2023
    I have a question, how to make CRAY (FILT(XOR))? It looks like magic.
  • Jerehmia
    24th Apr 2023
    @ASimpleCreator Zoom in on coordinates (224, 240). If you delete the particle at those coordinates with CTRL + right click another one will appear (because you only delete the top particle from the stack that way). You'll have to CTRL + right click 1491 times to delete every particle in that stack.
  • ASimpleCreator
    24th Apr 2023
    1491 particle stack?
  • LogikMacherDE
    24th Apr 2023
    bruh why is this so underrated
  • R33sesK1ng
    23rd Apr 2023
    +1 +Fav as per usual |c
  • concreteSolid
    21st Apr 2023
    Mathematician here
  • micque
    21st Apr 2023
    amazing! also nearly 3 mil, very nice, anyways +1!