If there is a problem with the reactor, such as a high temperature, you can either press the emergency shutdown button or turn off any machines. Or if there's a hostile takeover press the Zeta Procedure to detonate multiple nuclear warheads.
Also if you're wondering, the control room is in a remote location which is why it isn't visible from the reactor, and the purpose of the nuke is to destroy the reactor to prevent anybody from taking control and causing more damage.
Also if you dislike the rapid heat conductor then you can replace it with ceramic, but it may take longer for the water to boil or it might not boil at all.
Also, the lightning bolt indicates whether or not power is being generated.
The description was too long so some information is missing. First of all, there is a problem with the buttons which is why turning off any mechanism shuts down the entire thing, but you can just press the button to turn it back on.