I was trying to make uran and plut because if you have fast moving protons hit water it would make it. But then i discoverd this. P.S. Give the water one a bit of time
Im sorry I was wrong my mistake and I have fixed it.
@chikenbob , 1. Maybe. 2. k 3. Even a single CO2 is enough to turn DSTW into BUBW and BUBW will at one moment become WATR , WATR itself "infects" DSTW, it doesnt make that amounts of CO2 to make whole DSTW a BUBW.
1 protons would be a catalist for the dstw to turn it to watr if your correct. 2 no duh kinda figured out kinda fast. 3 trace amounts of co2 are present when its working, after bout 1 min of running I saw about 10 co2 particles annd if you think that 10 pices of co2 could turn that whole thing to bubw as fast as it was the you must have been having it run for a long time. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
and later turning of BUBW into WATR*
...PROT "turning" DSTW into WATR is caused by colliding it into CO2 and mixing with DSTW and later turning into WATR
1. WATR turns DSTW in WATR over time not PROT making it WATR (you mightve dropped a particle into it) . 2. High speed PROT creates new particles when collided with other high speed PROT