This is equipted with autostart, condenser, warning lights, and indicators built to provide a deut reactor with somewhat low resource usage, And a safty interlock to shut it down if it gets damaged.
I't not hard to find much larger ones with less features, and more instability, and for the record I was working on a few different ideas for a simple tempeture display beyond hard thresholds and blinking lights lossing my work is not somthing I want to do.
and stop reuploading ffs -1
"large is definitly a stretch" then name 5 larger deut reactors
Just fixed the shutdown issuse, it was just a not logic gate not working right.
I understand that it may not be compact by your defination, but large is definitly a stretch.
Compact in comparison to yours, but large compared to others on TPT
Have you seen the rest that I have made in the past? This very compact by comparison, and other deut reactors with the features, and the wiring is still being compacted down.
how is this compact