30th Aug 2023
31st Aug 2023
I am in great need of help creating subframe electronics. If there are those who know how to help me, please post in the comments. The laser will break if you turn it on its side! (After particle re-order)
minecraft-physics: where i can find subframe discord
There's also the IRC channel #powder-subframe, and the subframe dicord
they where about military grade flashlights they where probably somecbeap Chinese made lights
why does this remind me of the goofy adds i used to get with a goofy ai voice
Check it out in fancy mode (7) +1
very good! +1!
Thanks for the advice Jerehmia! Really appreciate your help.
Mark2222's Subframe lessons are a good place to start, id:2232626 If you're through with those and still have questions you can contact one of the active subframers (just search saves tagged subframe by date to find them), SUSaNOO even has an ask me anything save he updates frequently, id:3005537