Subframed fair pair of die.
Implemented a more compact dice dot decoder.
@micro I initially thought I rolled a lot of doubles too but they average out at 1/6 over a few hundred rolls. I experimented with revaluing one die but that doesn't make a noticable difference. Either there is some strange coupling that evens out over a few hunderd rolls or it's just that this enables you to roll dice so fast that the 1/6 chance of rolling doubles becomes more noticable.
Fair dice. still managed to roll snake eyes twice in a row. Outstanding luck iv got. +1
Jerehmia: thanks
dice dice dice dice dice +1
Very nice!
@micque That's almost what's happening, the difference is that everything takes exactly 1 frame, to it's sparked 60x a second and it rolls 60x a second too. That's generally how subframing works, you don't have to worry about timing because everything happens within a single frame, the difficulty lies in designing components so they work at that speed..
MallardDuck: I believe it's because it's subframe, so it takes near-no time in-game, so I assume it takes more time to consistantly spark it than the creation takes to roll
never seen an at least somewhat complex electronic in this game that still works fine when you constantly spark it! +1