4 / 1
18th Oct 2023
12th Sep 2024
Work in progress, should have all features of the original version when complete.
deut controlable destroyable nuclear modrequired


  • Stevealu008
    11th Sep 2024
    I also guess all of this can be fixed with subframe but yes it is on the harder side of tpt electronics but worth it if you want to make stuff small
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia That great news, to bad I design my reactors to withstand explosives, proton and neutron bombs, and emps to a large extent without melting down and/or exploding unlike most of the deut reactors on powdertoy, WiFi is a massive risk to that goal so I avoid them if possible.
  • Jerehmia
    24th Oct 2023
    @Vinnycat I've built "industrial applications" with dozens of sensors, this save id:2944844 uses PSTN/FPGA logic to read 71 sensors (69 LDTCs and 2 TSNSs) and drive a crane and a smelter to pick up iron, melt it at 1450C, and cast it. It's possible, it just takes a little effort.
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia Finished testing the FLIT and PSTN not gate, not only is it 3x8 instead of the 1x5 the mod makes possible, but it has the same bugs, and if I change anything it becomes buggyer then both of the solutions I have tried that are smaller and simpler.
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia for such things as heatpumps, air condioners, refrigeraters, heating systems in general, and industrial applications where simple, cheap, and reliable control systems are a must. Including powerplants, and substaions.
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia Also the code is already made, and wouldn't break any saves, no one would have there heart broken by this inclusion. And I do understand electronics, and simple AND, NOT, and OR gates are the reason all modern electronics work today, and yes simple relays are still commonly used in 2023.
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia I need a small reliable gate, I will try to use the FLIT PSTN gate for the larger version, but the refusel to include 3 logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) and forcing the use of FLIT for everything is a huge crutch the devs are relying on for zero benifit.
  • Jerehmia
    24th Oct 2023
    @Vinnycat I'm just trying to explain to you that building electronics in TPT is more complicated than you might expect because of the way electricity works in the game. If you don't care about that you're not in a position to demand new electronics materials, more so when people have showed you how what you want can be achieved without new materials but you can't be bothererd because it's "too complicated".
  • Vinnycat
    24th Oct 2023
    @Jerehmia I don't care about the spark being synced, It is irealivent to my use case. Signal from sensor=good, no signal=bad, overheat or damage has ocured and send a spark to the relavent system to turn it off.
  • Jerehmia
    24th Oct 2023
    @Vinnycat Electricity runs in a 8-frame cycle and sources of electricity can have up to 7 frames delay in when they emit sparks. With NOT gates you run into this delay problem because it needs to output a signal when it gets no input anymore, so the gate's output won't be synchonized to its input and if you use both signals in other gates you'll evenually run into trouble. You can solve this by either delaying the input signal so it synchronizes to the output, or you can use a clock.