18th Oct 2023
23rd Oct 2023
I found it too hard to decorate it when I finished making this. So i didn't do it. :| :\ :- :/ :|
it's funny to destroy it. even with Bomb or Thunder
C2H6S: sounds like breaking the laws of physics but guess this is nice (+1)
@dog2: It allows heat to transfer from low temp objects to high temp objects
I'm fascinated by your execution of a heat exchanger. Can you explain what "inverse entropic" means?
It's werid.I had ran lots of durability tests but didn't saw it blew up.Maybe I need to limit the efficiency of the heat pump
hmm... its not stable... it blew up itself. but nice work +1
This is awesome, +1! After a while, though, the fusion core blew up...
well done! +1! congrats with FP 12 992 views!
u need to add a better cooler