it has 0.33KB of memory (2.600-BITS)
40 upvots
good job +100
kit237 - am i a begginer
thanks kit237 for the +inf :)
Don't delete your old saves, just unpublish them. The only reason to delete saves is if you put something in them you don't want anybody on the internet to see. Unpublished saves aren't searchable so people can only find them if they know the ID, and votes on unpublished saves don't count in your average either.
Congratulations, now you are almost no longer a beginner. All you have to do is delete the saves that you consider bad and learn how to use decorations +infinity
@Bens-things5000, if you make another one you should deco out everything but the filt in black or dark grey for ease of viewing experience.
@Svetlec Multiplexed designs like yours are more scalable though, a 10x10 multiplexed design needs 20 control bits/wires while a 10x10 fully addressable design needs 100 control bits/wires. You can draw all pixels in a line at the same time with a multiplexed design, you can even draw more lines at the same time if they're the same length (see my save).
cool save
very nice! +1!