The Infernum-Cyzure 1X 32KB Named it as such since it was soul crushing to make lol
im lost +1
i still have no idea how you made such compact writing modules for your ram :(
Woah, it's awesome! Probably the most complex machine i've ever seen on here.
ive been designing my own custom processor with a 4 bit instruction set, this has given me a lot of inspiration! thank you
to be honest it wont be that hard i can already think of multiple solutions xd
ASimpleCreator: no off or on button + 8 whole cores to coordinate!! I can't see how that could go wrong at all. /s :)
my family is a bit poor (we are asian), i cant really take any iq tests since they cost money, and i dont know any that test for free, and since im only 13 i cant really spend money i dont have
This is really cool, what is your IQ if you know? Like, taken an official mensa test?
@ASimpleCreator I see, that's cool. You could also explain where the components of the computer are located if you want.
i was looking for the start button for a solid 3 minutes until i realized the "random number" was the actual output. the speed is astonishing.