This is the loading animation you see before Browser TPT fully loads. Check it out in action:
This is so cool, seeing this as the actual loading screen.
i exploded
i explode
i have idea for new project its a computer "R26K1S71" which have old monitor (the small one) and R16K1S60 computer
i want to ROP on casio fx 570 es plus but i dont know how, i accidentally found you on the casio forum lol
Left that comment so I remember how to turn it into a webp next time I need to.
convert -quality 50 -define webp:lossless=true -delay 1.66666666 -crop 140x64+212+132 -loop 0 $(for i in $(seq -f "frame_%06.0f.ppm" 36 105); do echo $i; done) loading.webp
Wow I found an LBPHacker Save in the newest saves tab