i sended 10 response to 1 comments. I won 10 to 1.
If you say so then where is your Chambers's Gun, make me one, then prove me wrong.
Did you think before sending your something i already had concepts?
Sends hate kinda stupid concept of i hate you so you should ruin yourself.
Who pay you to send hate?
If TPT physics wasn't wonky and weird. I would have a fully functional kalashnikov 47, Maschineguns 42, Maschineguns 32, M249, Puckle gun, An-94, Ak 140,etc.
Where is your profile? Too poor?
I do alot of stuff you say like that but i don't like indestructible pieces,especially "Cray" and i don't use ember because it is unrealistic and doesn't have the exact property of ember i needed.
I wan't realistics, not a working gun.
you can use cray and embr and get pretty close to having working guns