Automatic Self Exploding Plut Nuclear Bomb, if you wonder what the TNT on the end is for its so it can melt things making it more affective even if the blast is gone, TYSM FOR 150 VIEWS!!!!
this did not deserve this many downv.otes
im ok with your opinons, i just need feedback that is constructive.
I upvoted all your saves, just don't write any hate comments on my saves ok?
What a disappointment of a bomb. -1
@cookie_man i dont know why your so angry at me not liking your saves and having a free mindset
also stop hating PowderToy_Fan, he makes great remodels
this is like the most effortless garbage i have ever seen -1
if tpt had a most used word yours would be just quit
Im very proud of making wargame remodels. And like I said if you dont like people or have anger issues then just quit.
and powder toy fan please dont talk when you just make wargame addons