3) Not all batteries should be lithium. Sometimes powdered (SALT, BGLA and so on) ones are also used, sometimes deuterium ones. Just like in real life, lead-acid batteries are still used in cars in the presence of lithium-ion batteries
2) Yes, it is better, but it is better not in everything, but in the fact that without using serialization, lithium explodes. And I didn't really mean "better", I just wrote this fact. Lithium is better in some ways (in the accuracy of the number of sparks), pistons in some ways (in the simplicity of the mechanics used)
It would be possible to use a piston for these purposes (to move the NSCN), but then what is the point of using lithium? Also, it is unrealistic that the battery is fully charged with 1 spark and it has an infinite capacity (but this I can make only with PHOT). My batteries are power electrics, they were developed for various powerplants, organisms and other things like these. It's not computers and electronics, it's electrics.
kit237: 1) The switches redirect energy between output and return to the battery if the discharge is turned off or the battery is charging, and the transistor automatically stops returning energy when charging stops. This allows me to achieve the same functionality as my batteries
1) why add 2 switches and a transistor at all? 2) you yourself wrote that it is better than lithium - "@OrthogonalCaster LITH explodes when overcharges, this isn't"
@kit237, And yet, in the form in which you sent it to me, it does not satisfy my tasks. I know how to make it satisfying (2 switches and a transistor), but then it won't be much smaller than my batteries, and in most of my tasks my size is enough.
@kit237, But thanks anyway for teaching me how to work with lithium.
@kit237, OK, it's good, it works, but I made another type of battery that works too, and I didn't have the goal of making the smallest case, but a small one. And yet, it may be of interest as the possibilities of game mechanics, as a non-standard use of standard things.
Big_exploding_TNT: this is not small case.