Therminium (type A & B) are alloys that can store waste products efficiently. They bind GEL with the products it encounters equalizing the energy and area the product takes. Open the save to see how it works.
MichelleMarkham: should be able to hold it
Can I dump it onto radioactivce debris that might go nuclear?
i made nother one named heation
neat not net
its like quicksand net it feels like it should be a real powder toy element
Theweaponguy: the behavior of LAVA(ICE) at a tempature SNOW(SING) wont explode at will freeze the lava.
NaroMori: tpt has strange physics, Molten ICE is just LAVA with the ctype ICE; which acts as a quicksand
try to make a variant that can hold sing snow
nice... just wonderin' if it keeps some unstable things inside
srry i deleted it because i messed up