15th Sep 2024
19th Nov 2024
UPDATE: Disconnecting rods in 1 fuel pool. FINISHED PROJECT: Only minor bug fixes
just delete the button. If you still want to do it manually, delete that one wifi near the button. But the mercury will still flow in then, just block it too.
resic how do i turn off auto scram?
Dr_Cyle122: no problem
Hey Resic! it alright if i use your neutron spawner? idk how to make one and yours is the only one i know of. thanks if you say yes.
tip: set the tmp of grvt to 0 if u want to have newtonian gravity
Senad: and you can refuel it indefinitly, you just have to delete the used rods manually
Senad: The rods not disconnecting in the 1 pool is a known problem, but I ignored it as I didn't expect someone using it, I'll fix it now. Yes, you have to delete the rods manually to run it endlessly, there's no function to do it from the control room. I don't understand your "cruise control" comment: which pumps do you mean? What is the exact suggestion. I don't plan to change much as this save is finished for me.
And a cruise mode where it shuts off pumps and regulates rod insertion automatically to let it run itself without having to be there until the fuel is spent.
Did a first refuel and a shutdown and planning to use that save for the rest of the time that I play. Will tell bugs if I find some. The only annoying thing is that I THINK it can be refueled once (it could work more if I delete the spent fuel with the erase tool, havent tried yet) because when I tried to put new fuel in the new fuel pool it wouldn't disconnect. We will see what happens
nvm I sent that comment before realizing you updated it