Try adding some WARP or EXOT(TMP > 7000) to create more heat, pressure, and distortion. Also BCLN(GBMB) is on the table, and you can manually modify LIGH size (stamp a piece and dupe).
PowderToy_Fan: ok lets just stop this argument cuz i got better things than arguing with an "dense idiot"
Also I have a way to end this bickering, just shut up and stop being a jerk.
No I dont? And you really just had to false downvote most of my saves.
PowderToy_Fan: you also downvote other peoples save for no reason
PowderToy_Fan: i am not mad that you downvoted my save, im just mad that you dislike save of new people and just say "unrealistic" to any save that isnt realistic because its just a game it doesnt need to be realistic and i commented unrealistic on some of your saves because you do that to, how does it feel huh?
And it just sounds like your mad i dovnvoted a few saves and in return you downvote all of my saves for (mostly) no reason.
and exot is third layer from the middle
PowderToy_Fan: azures use gbmb, exot and few other things i dont see anything wrong with this azure