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30th November
1st December
This uses NEUT in glass to make PHOT, which pass through INVS to re-form as NEUT. Once the NEUT escapes, some will return to repeat the process. PHOT may escape too. Cap off with a layer of QRTZ to make it a photon-only duper! NOTE:It self-regulates ~65k
neutron photon laser lazer duping duplicator reactor


  • Triston17879
    2nd December
    This is closer to a small reactor core than a reactor.
  • Triston17879
    2nd December
    Okay, I figured out the reaction. What's happening when you insert ELEC is that it reacts with NEUT to make hydrogen, which then burns away or fuses into a mixture of exotic particles, including a small amount of ELEC. However, this reaction is not self sustaining and will require a ELEC source to create a full-on infinite loop. Great cocept for a reactor though!
  • Triston17879
    1st December
    Add ELEC for a rather strange reaction (no clue what's happening)
  • Triston17879
    1st December
    Use credit if you want to use please! :)
  • Triston17879
    1st December
    It also works in loop and void, but yield is reduced in void.
  • Triston17879
    1st December
    For context, this thing abuses the simulated Cherenkov radiation to create PHOT, and the way that INVS converts PHOT into NEUT. No CLNE or stacking used, just INVS GLAS and NEUT.