If you manage to make an bomb that defeated this wall comment down, i will also make hall of fame that will include people that defeated this wall. If you downvote tell me why, and no "its unfairly strong" isnt an excuse.
alr bruh. Imma be real with you, using that amount of conv means damn near every single bomb is gonna fail. You can't even beat conv easily.
gamma: Oh, i take your word, gonna place up your name in the save
if you wait long enough it should get to the diamond. at roughly 30fps it may take >10 minutes. i will add a second one to hopefully speed things up.
gamma: it reached layer of conv(vibr) and after few minutes it didnt even reach the diamond, therefore did not destroy this wall, it didnt even destroy conv(vibr) so, didnt defeat this
JustenQ: and you can turn on console by clicking `
JustenQ: just type this in console: !set tmp qrtz 9999
The initial upward wave and line of convert and lack of placing space makes this impossible. Though I am curious, how do you get the quartz to grow like that?
Aeiouman: nah
no layering?