Updated: look way better, and made everything kinda more clear
nobodyagain:why shouldnt it, that quark is just happy
nobodyagain: and "susy" particles are part of supersymetry theory
nobodyagain: there are also "susy" particles which are just normal particles but more massive and rarer
There's no way that there is a quark type named CHARM, how on EARTH was THAT approved??
im sad for the particles in the LHC, they have at enter france so many times, i dont know how they survived even one visit in france
DNA_Company: honestly, this is actually an pretty good save, just needs to deco and more particles
bruh this is honestly terrible and does not deserve fp... also the author spelled hadron incorrectly XD
@Eris23 It's hadrons actually, that's why that particle accelerator near Geneva is called the Large Hadron Collider.