This Nationwide takes place in the 1940's. Comment your flag, country name and where you want to be and ill add it. This nationwide is pretty simple but is realistic. Map Credits: coffee (go check out his stuff) TURN MAP DECO ON!!!
also, you should add capitol cities (if you lose yours you're just about cooked(mine would be vancover))
Canada. crippled by the the over sea war, is finaly annexed by the PU. Troops are sent to europe to fight germany
Continue our expansion efforts throughout South America and start developing new aircraft carriers capable of greatly expanding our aircraft attack range.We will continue sending aid to our allies,but will remain neutral unless there is direct threat to our country
)(btw, what are the x symbols for
The Department of Resource Mining & Management spends 2.5B of ther 128 billion dollar government allowance to create more resource mining stations and protect them.
Noveria will research for stronger troop armor. They are neutral (at least for now)
_-*BREAKING NEWS*-_: Italy is attacked, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia fall. Sweden is forced to leave Allies and Join axis, causes economical deppression. Polands Wroclaw and Poznan are attacked, entire area collapses.
Germany tries to cut off supply lines and steal resources, many die. U.S begins strengthening military to help The Allies and send resources but are interuppted by the sudden global panic of Germanies advancements, causes U.S to begin to crumble. Canada's economy fails due to excess assistance of Allies and war supplies. News Anchor says "HOLY CRAP, WERE ALL GONNA DIE!" and to be honest, I agree.
*NEWS*: Germany moves into West Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.
*NEWS*: Italy leaves Axis, agresses Germany causing Italy to get attacked. Altaran Federation sends resources to Allied powers in europe, joins alliance. Turkey allies with Germany in Italys place, Allies are pushed back.