Rules:No cheaty things like Sing (unless itS explosive) Dray [Any form] Dest,bomb (any form) [no huge Amount of warp] (no everything on GOL and VIRS) [thats it u have to beat it] [just put the id of the device]
JustenQ: u broke just 1 rule
Broucek: can u make a logo for me
i cant kindly do that cuz *memories of Black hole's being formed* well that
busted: id:3198691 (could you make it a bit more compact next time)
AzureCHIP: nevermind in Addition:Crays are banned and bombs Only
JustenQ:ITS kinda okay to use Cray but more ok when Cray is normal
Does this count? It has DRAY but it doesnt directly do anything to the wall. It uses CRAY erasure, which is a tad cheaty, but you didn't explicitely ban it. id:3197984
Comment :D