Zero emission synchronous VIBR with minimal CFLM quenching coal powerplant. Provides 24 lines of uninterrupted power and 1 overflow line. Overflow is stored in single cell LITH batteries charged with 99 sparks. Can't be interrupted while overflowing.
Dude. This is an absolute MARVEL of industry. Well done.
cavalry could demolish this germanic stain on society. still, impressive stuff, however, to make it even better, you should've used fiber optic cables to transport electricity, because it is funny. +1
@gabriel_ultrakill I'm Dutch but after this thing turned out so brutishly overpowered I just had to give it a German name. And you're free to burn it or blow it up to your heart's content of course :)
as a polish person, i feel a compulsive urge to throw molotov cocktails at this thing.
twerkwerk karl
Oh wait this isn't based off of the band Kraftwerk? Still +1
I agree Kraftwerk is a great band, & they were ahead of their time back in the 70s & 80s +1
holy complex this is nuts
@YorkDona Water isn't a very good heat transportation medium for VIBR reactors. VIBR is a strange material that absorbs heat and wants to stay 1 C during its "charging" phase and then releases that stored heat (and electricity) during its "explosion" phase. This means VIBR becomes far hotter than the boiling point of water and a lot of thermal energy goes to waste if you use water as a medium, so you either have to use GLOW or give up the pretence of realism (and VIBR isn't real to begin with).