4 / 0
30th May 2011
27th Dec 2011
for use in sing bombs WARNING DO NOT UNPAUSE! EXTREME LAG! (fed plutonium) ive done some research this is probably the only sing supplier bomb sing is a great isoz duet plut detonator EDIT:well an update took away sings power but this shall re
singularity bomb danger photon nuetron lag sing peaceoutwhat


  • Gotmilk098123
    3rd Apr 2012
    when you unpause it looks like a plasma screen tv is failing.
  • cicicci
    30th May 2011
    ha i didnt see your warning about the lag lol
  • peaceoutwhat
    30th May 2011
    for use in sing bombs they are rare because the material used to make it is hard to come by but i have a screenfull here