16th Jun 2011
29th Jul 2012
Try to COMPLETELY destroy it.Anything can be used except bomb and dest and air. Use an actually bomb to destroy it. anyone can use air but not anyone can devise a bomb that can destroy it. This is my oldest save(not counting to ones i deleted)!!
i got it all, as in hollowed it out with a fusion bomb, a big one but i did it none the less
i borrowed some's bomb and got a half of this
I deleted it with DEUT Bomb
aeons your bomb is basically just loads of BOMB and thats banned -_-'
this is easy with my virus bomb and the one i made is tiny go check my BIG VIRUS bomb
finally figured out how to make a bomb to destroy it id is...
this is by far the best shield ever
Screwed up by my continuous EMP plus EMPproof lazor
i vaporized it with my hyper-fusion supernova in 5 seconds