16th Jun 2011
29th Jul 2012
Try to COMPLETELY destroy it.Anything can be used except bomb and dest and air. Use an actually bomb to destroy it. anyone can use air but not anyone can devise a bomb that can destroy it. This is my oldest save(not counting to ones i deleted)!!
this is the best!!!
updated it by adding some ttan
I did it with my lol bomb :D
destroyed it completly with my bomb made of thunder duet plut GBMP neut :D
You guys should try my sheild its 793769
my fission/fusion bomb killed half of it while the other half had make a shield around itself ......
Used a gravity bomb as well owned it.
thunder does people!!!
Used a GBMB bomb wiped it out, heat dosen't dent it and Electric bombs damage it but when it all starts to spark it makes it impossible to do any more damage.
i broke it...with the console!!! lol