16th Jun 2011
29th Jul 2012
Try to COMPLETELY destroy it.Anything can be used except bomb and dest and air. Use an actually bomb to destroy it. anyone can use air but not anyone can devise a bomb that can destroy it. This is my oldest save(not counting to ones i deleted)!!
My death ray can't heat up the shield! It will not burn! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
amtr and thdr can destroy it
I did it. no cheats
Go NIven!! Great job!! Haha Barbourville REPRESENT!!!! :)
thats insanely good!!!
I beat it... With air...
DRAGONFORCE he said not to use bombs Really cool Niven
My BOMB gun destroyed it in about 5 or 6 seconds. I even changed the DEUT's life to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647, the highest possible value) and it didn't stop my gun.
it took 3 of mu nukes to blow it up. then i reloaded it and used 1 of my bombs to destroy it.
Turn off air (press "Y" 3 times) and pour SING on top of it for a cool effect.