23rd Sep 2011
24th Dec 2011
Write a comment when you will have a room,you have this room for the rest of month.
2 pls add cat tv tv pc chair(2) table fridge aquarium and fish and a pool and me and my girlfriend inside and big room
yes,is number 1 ok?
can i have a room?
NEW!Small room:-3 to 0,Big room:0 to +6,luxus room:more than +6
the idea of hotels Has SKYROKETED since my member made the Australian Powder Hotel
actually, nevermind mine
i would like the big room 5
can i have a luxury room? if not, a big room?
sorry,but your average score is:-0,0417.....when you'll have the room you have to have more than +3....I'll give you a small room.
I'll take big room 3 please +1