3 / 0
25th Oct 2011
30th May 2012
finished version, all it has are three no-hassle buttons. it runs relatively cool, and was perfected for use in mini cities. also includes batterey and transformers. (press the panic button before nuke or meltdown.)


  • sandstorm
    13th Apr 2012
    i see... this isn't the most updated version, so if you want to see the better one, look at my city.
  • m_shinoda
    13th Apr 2012
    I was using this design to make one of my own but i forgot to save... lol. So im making a larger one.
  • sandstorm
    25th Oct 2011
    i forgot to mention, but the power that comes out has two different cables (ntct and ptct). this can be used for turning things on and off, or just on or just off. enjoy!
  • sandstorm
    25th Oct 2011
    same as last time, but i added a control building with a computing center. please, no nuke then panic, or you may end up getting paste everywhere. messy messy.