An advanced two cylinder engine, using PUMP pistons and visualisation of piston movement. Now with TESC-lightning ignition system!
catalytic converter is not realistic, use PTNM.
Not realistic diesel doesn't use a spark plug
Thanks for copying me :)
Pretty cool!
Hey cctvdude, this is pretty awesome! a definate upvote from me. I have some news on my single cyl engine, real valve timing based on a real camshaft :) check it out if you have time.
And I normally check 'engine' on 'By Date' anyway, so there's no point. And I've already seen it and upvoted about 30 mins ago, so meh.
chris1: If you advertise on my saves once more... >_<
thats cool +1 check out my newest engine called "small engine"
oh...derpedy derpedy..... i'm in many groups, i thought brotherhood was like bsts!!! xD im such a derphead
epicksl: Go to the website, login, press Groups (a tab in the top left corner of the page), go to the second page of the groups, then click 'Brotherhood of Saves'. Click 'Submit Registration' and type stuf.