15th Nov 2011
16th Oct 2012
I need some outside ideas for guns. I will not make: M60, SA80, M16, rocket launchers, and grenades.
that doesn't take long i made one in five minutes after i read your comment
I could try I just can't do it quickly. I'll need to make a three round burst mech.
Can you make a G11
Perhaps you could remodel your fire selector switch on your M16A2 for it?
Yes, I have, I will update it with a burst mech if you like, because now it is a full auto L85A1.
@yy0b, F15-Pilot made an L85A2.
alright i can do that thanks for the suggestion
Hmmm... M249? M4? JK JK How bout an AA-12?
actually i can't it hasn't been done before but i don't know its basic layout because i'm not British so i can't just guess
alright i'll see what i can do