25th Jan 2012
8th Sep 2013
By having sensors,you can now take a reading on any area of the explosion.If you want to see what pressure levels occcur at the near center of the bomb and the heat from far away,you just copy and paste the sensors there.For more info,ask in the comments
woops i added a tag that sed "copyed". for a sek i thot this whas lol. sry sry sry
I got around 10,000 temp and yellow on the pressure level but no gravity
Should I change "Gravity Level" to Gravity Duration?
I used this to test the new bomb I've been making actually :D.
Plus there's the fact that it go through walls :P. Shame, I voted up anyway :D
Well of course it does! The anihilatior (is that how it's spelled?) is insanely strong.
Mine destroys the sensors :(
I can't believe this hasn't made fp yet!
I love this! :D see you on fp!
my supernova nuke can pack quite a punch in tempature and pressure but not doing so well in gravity.