The Ingravings on the sword are from the LOTR or the Hobbit. They are the font for the subtitle.
awesome! its a great sword even without special ability's
@karolk it's not in game. the closest would be the dragonslayer but that's basically a katana. For looks, the closest would be an ancient nord sword
Dovakhiin, Dovakhiin, naal ok zin los vahriin Wah dein vokul mahfoerook asht vaal! Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan, Dovakhiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, Naal ol sake o' vahriin!
Dohvakiin, Dohvakiin, naal ok zin oh vahriin!
daedric dawnbreaker, upvte
I vote down, with no reason at all
dovakiin, dovakiin, naal ok zin lahriin...