71 / 10
8th Mar 2012
25th Jun 2015
My second attempt at making a machine for pumping out deut from -only- WATR and GLOW. My last attempt wasted a lot of water and relied on air time, but this uses portals to reduce queue lag \o
idea lockeedmartin sparkhazard fast


  • TNTPig1
    24th Apr 2014
    Awesome system!!! I thought it was cool with the portals
  • drlloyd
    10th Aug 2013
    press d and look at ctype's of glow its soooo like O__o and awsome
  • Colt
    15th Mar 2012
    @epicksl, such as the person who posted all of these innapeopriate tags all over the recent front-page saves.
  • epicksl
    12th Mar 2012
    @daniel:mods dont get many frontpages because they do SO SO SO much work cleaning up the mess trols are making of tpt
  • Daniel219
    11th Mar 2012
    First time a mod got a front in a while :D
  • Sketch24
    9th Mar 2012
    Very good. Nice and simple ;D +1
  • Poorsoft
    9th Mar 2012
    nice work catelite. but for some reason, i much prefer minishooz's deut factory since it was more artistic. and the pipe/deut was cool too.
  • Minishooz
    9th Mar 2012
    Please stop criticising my deuterium factory! I worked very hard making it so Catelite and jnelen22 please stop calling it slow as it is based on a more complex realistic design and focused on the artwork D:
  • Catelite
    9th Mar 2012
    One of my saves is nothing but linked portals for storing liquids, lookie if you're curious
  • psharpep
    9th Mar 2012
    I like your concept of holding liquids in the portals. I always knew it happened, but that's very creative using it to speed up fps. Nice :)