@jedi-1117: Only if you wont to. @ThatkiiidJJ: We merge with other clubs. We are an od club.
should i let tell people to try to join pixel club
Funny when pixel-club is a "pro" club and they want my usmc. Whoops
New members havn't heard of Pixel Club. :*
Nah, proberly not, but it's so anying
ya is their any way we can stop those clubs
i agree the new/pointless ones should goand if they want to be in a club
Jedi: Yeah. Your club is good because it helps people. Im talkin' bout pointles clubs, threre must be more than 4 art clubs. nowa'days you just have to go on the groups and make one. When Pixel Club started there was no group function. Plus Pixel Club is an art club and we were oe of the first art clubs. Also when Pixel Club started there was no deco layer so it was hard yo do art. Clubs take our ideas like, the bank member counter and other stuff...... Anyway, i wont get in a rage about it.
i agree with that but my club is new but helpes new users and their is a lot of old clubs that never get used like some from 2010
But so many pointless clubs... E.G Lolly Pop Club..