well mine superbomb has 1 pixel and it blows up everything, check it out
press "F" 3 times and then check the pressure in the bomb
pretty realistic for its size :D 1+
REPEAT, you can't make a nuke on tpt that acurately represents the force in the explosion. It's too weak. This has no fission, but accurately represents damage and size.
Oh, and panda73, a nuke dosent have to melt everything...
there is no fusion happening here *no combineing particals lighter than iorn*, there is not any fission *no speration of particals heavier than iorn* it is a pressure/heat nuke. :/
Actually Fading sky, Sing is in fact a real element found in black holes. And light does burn things, so does heat, it is preaty realistic but a real nuke would melt everything other than that its nice
you can't make a nuke on tpt that is acurate in size and materials. This is realistic in size. So what if I didn't explain what happens in a nuke. This is just the bomb. There is no other way to do this.
Not realistic at all. It is one particle of molten SING: which is not a real element at all. You did not explain the fusion that takes part within it. Light is not supposed to burn objects, its the heat.