Today, the front page might be hacked, or overcome with a glitch. Therefore, this page is for anyone in maybe, only my problem. Damn it, Lockheedmartin is destroying TPT. :( Plus Qbix school. Two bombs.
woah, i accidently posted this. lolz and ya. haha
a leftover from april fools day?
nice on, crtl b
Or 1 letter.
bnm says type two letters in two bring back second page
I know I wouldn't have gotten in the front page, but I support your cause +1
shush not 12:00 GMT
Yep, I've got it too. Pretty sure everyone does.
Lockheedmartin, thank you. I'll join you in your work at your facebook page.
I'm kinda with you, DJspiderize but it could also mean early 2012 for TPT.