@secretpowder i am a muslim in sha' Allah, if you actually think islam is racist to women, and they despise 3isa 3alayhis-salaam (jesus peace be upon him) (not Allah subhanahu wa ta3ala) i think u might have a lot to learn.
why is everyone almost racist to muslims
jesus is in hell right now so i wouldn't go so far about praising him instead maybe you should consider worshiping the creator himself and becomming jewish like me
i too know i am a sinner so don't act like we are forcing racism upon people
I pray that you will acknowledge Jesus christ, and the holy spirit, and the Father God as your God, and that Jesus died for you, finally know you are a sinner, then I will see you in Heaven, or Paradise (another word wink wink)
did anyone mention that islam is racist to women and that they despise the one true God, Jesus Freaking died for You, and you expect that God did that just so you could worship an Unjust false god and false prophet, you expect the "infidel" to believe in a sick religion empowering satan himself so who really is racist here, huh, who is racist, and you know I am not targeting a single group so dont report me, or I will report you for RACISM
The people disliking are racist and Islamophobic