This is the latest missile test by the US. This soap missile causes devestation wherever it hits. Please comment
how tell me
soap missle +c4 =explosion
i made it into a ball by blowing up another missile in fron of it lol
It flops so inelegantly through the air
I'm pretty grossed out by the fact that it... JIGGLES it's way to the target...
The part that i dont agree with is that it is made of soap, moves as slow as it does, and is still intact after impact. Decent idea but comeon, really? soap? i know you can come up with something better than this. i challenge you to, do you accept?
Yeah I know, it was just to show a concept, which apparently means it gets FP
I didn't want to agree with epicbomb, but I'll be honest - This is quite boring. Don't get me wrong I love most of your saves. oh and btw if a missle moved that slow - The world might have global peace.
ugh it was so slow and boreing just to get to the target then what nothing it just catches on fire, no fire works no big explosions nothing this was so boreing.
This. . . Takes. . . FOREVER