16th Aug 2010
16th Aug 2010
No description provided.
people forget that SRB's (Rolid Rocket Boosters) light top to bottom but you did it correctly +100000000000000
Hybrid rocket
how did you make the mix of wax and gas?
isnt this a hybrid rocket?
try a WOOD BCOL mixture i used that in my orion SRB
use BCOL it burns WAY slower and i think is better
I used O2, and it furns faster, but in velocity display you see it gives more thrust.
To the person who said to use O2 instead of GAS: O2 burns too quickly, so GAS is a better choice. If you want to see it, hit the ~ key and type "set type gas o2".
Use the current fuel as a starter at the beginning and fill the rest with a wax/coal fuel. It burns slower but generates enough pressure.
pretty realistic , i mean that it doesn't lose all of the velocity very fast