well, after my fp "woah" and my most downvoted save "woah 2" im kind of confused. I made a woah 3, but if this doesnt go anywhere i will not make a woah 4. Woah 4 would be my big finale woah, but i might not do it, and it might not compare to first.
@reaper i know what hes saying, just stating a fact. and kevgood said offensixe, so i said offensiVe
Actually jghall1, it's spelled offensive, without a capitalized "v". And no, what Kevgood12 was saying is that this is good but there are better saves out there that utilized more work and harder effort, and yet they reap little of what they sow. This is still good, but there may be more deserving saves out there that have yet to have been discovered.
@kevgood12 "dont mean to be mean of offensiVe" just means your about to say something mean AND offensive lol
Sorry, dont mean to be mean or offensixe, but how does this make front page? i know its original, dont get me wrong, its nice. But i see some great works out there without a single vote...
He has :P
do "woah 4" +1.
Front page now :D
ok just checking because or jremigio's comment
No :P
did this get fp?