ok i have something strange to saay about the universe: it isnt infinite, but you cannot reacch the edge, its a bit like pacman, it is boundles finity (finity is the oposite on infinity)
well accually they definitley do, there is an infinite amount of universes (possibly), for a start, and this univers has an increddibly ridiculous amount of planets so i say they exist
well accually, the chaanc eof lien life is equivalent of droppinga jigsaw (broken up) from an aeroplane and by the time it hits the ground, its fully assembled
God is always the answer...
there ship was techy and had a wierd thing in da middle
omg i had another encounter i was pulld upp notheing was in reach they toke hair and nails even explored my ipod no joke
it could be like a 6th dimension thing?!