Gun powder and black powder aren't the same. Black powder is more unstable and was used during the 17th century on ship cannons. This game doesn't have the ingrediants which are sulfure dioxid and charcoal. This is as close as you can get. Enjoy!
and colored it black :/
also you just put gunpowder into the mixture
Black powder is litterally just Black powder, also it is gun powder technically
Black powder is made of potassium nitrate (Salt Peter), Charcoal, and sulfer.
@Sonic No, Black powder and gun powder are diffrent things.
"black powder" is just an old name for gunpowder, so technically black powder is already in the game.
this is prety close to black powder, it just needs thicker smoke, but theres no way to do that in tpt. +1
you know gunpowder is just improved black powder with purified saltpeater
1+ but Very nice
Looks like an ordinary gun powder to me -_-