15th Sep 2012
15th Sep 2012
i used my own texture pack lol anyway i know i havn't been on in a while but thats because i'v been playing minecraft the whole time!any way i got minecraft free if you want me to tell you how i will,its easy! i'll tell u in v1.5.
Do't steel so I can steal t no steeling (I wont steal but correct the spelling quick!!!)
umm idk
oh and not my minecraft saves,nooohohoooo!i ment my powder saves with the blocks that i made
hey Ebawolk how do i get to your advertisement?plus i lost all my saves for some reason,they're not in the recycling bin either...i'll have to make a new texture pack...:(
Sweet hey you should join my group u seem like a good artist just go to my advertisement and go to the link ill guide you from there tell me in the group chat that ur there plus i faved this and 1+