Wow! I just found these elements. Love and lolz are just signs. But for the others, discover it for yourself...
iron and rime isnt hidden
These are the hidden/secret elements (symbol)LOVE=heartLOLZ=lolSHD2=2nd layerSHD3=3rd layerSHD4=4th layerRIME=when introduced with elctricity it turns into FOGEMBR=a shiny hot powder that glowsBRAY=an element that comes from the ARAY. others say that is "B-type ray emitter"FRZW=FRZZ + WATR. cannot be turned into WTRV even if you put PLSMMORT=(mortvert) releases smoke (temperature -8) it heats when due to release of steamDYST=(dead yeast) flammableFOG=evaporation of RIMESPWN=STKMSPWN2=STK2BIZG=evaporation of BIZR(-170)BIZS=solid form of BIZR(130)EQVE=(equal velocity) cannot be melted even PLSM but it can destroyed by AMTR and SINGPSTS=solid form of PSTE
iron isnt secret
thanks for the comment and votes guys! I really appreciate it :)
this is a message directly to the powder toy makers:put right ctrl right alt function back!
doesnt work
it dosn't work anymore! :(
use consol(~) and change type of stuff u can get them then
The newer version doesn't have any crackers, cthulu. It is a sad thing :(
I press Ralt and Rcntrl but nothing happens.