i destroyed the bunker using a Azure Bomb. This is unfit for azure bombs. U can make it better. Hopefully.
My bomb literally melts the whole place.
my bomb only made it to the spng wall
Grawx, this must be the first bunker you've ever seen isn't it? :P
This is the strongest bunker i've ever seen! +1
cyberdragon442, this is for you."I'm feeling kinda slow today, I had a nuke bomb for breakfast. You know, Ive never had a nuke and gone"Oh, I'm glad I detonated that", I've always been like"I'M GONNA DIE!"
i can make my own bomb n destroy it
I replaced your bomb w/ a self-made nuke. The bunker melted to the ground! XD
THAT IS HILARIOUS!! I just clicked a link in a save that complained that this kicked it off front page. And look...a hate comment. (troll)