9th Oct 2012
16th Feb 2013
This is another Life form, with the rules B3S23, commonly known as Game of Life or GoL. I am pondering the next one I am going to make, but stay tuned.
fav. +1.
I don't think anybody knows what this is based off of. this is based off of the game called "Conway's Game of Life", google it.
Stop complaining about the view count. 74 different people viewing? That's a lot, and by then it's enough to get front page. The view counter is different now, I have a feeling it's just not updated as often, so maybe it goes up every hour or something.
i dont get it
This is incredible. I've seen "computers", but "computer"ized "Life"? Really cool.
which tells me that it is, indeed, broken.
@DaDudeNess because the views is broken. Heck, I had 3 up votes when the views was still at 0.
got lots of ups dude
how is this on the front page with 74 views? good for u, bbdest, but still, HOW!?
@hdp-Game of life is simple programming. A different version already in TPT is GOL. It is the same.