8 / 0
1st Nov 2012
4th Nov 2012
This factory can convert BREL into EXOT! The Idea to make an EXOT Factory was by Hatter, the factory is by me.


  • Schneumer
    24th May 2013
    lol i thought the exot exploded with embers and stuff, but u just put a line of firework.
  • st1nkst1efel
    20th May 2013
    HAH i found a way to create BREL out of GOLD or TTAN... gonna make a save with it soon
  • Hatter
    5th Nov 2012
    Yes, but you can make more exot if you do it the long way
  • st1nkst1efel
    4th Nov 2012
    Okay. I found out something new: if BVBR or VIBR touch exot, they become exot, too, so it would be easy to make a exot factory with bvbr. But you can make your factory if you want :D Dont forget to build a hidden nuke :)
  • Hatter
    4th Nov 2012
    Would it be okay if I make a BVRB>EXOT maker with a citation of you?
  • st1nkst1efel
    4th Nov 2012
    The pressure will let the brel fly around, and sometimes reach a position where they can conduct to the ttan, so it will let out pressure for a short moment, that could break something, a hidden nuke will explode, and everyone will be dead. No, better you use brel instead of bvrb
  • Hatter
    4th Nov 2012
    Ah ha! You can just use titanium as a pressure insulator.
  • Hatter
    4th Nov 2012
    Just use wall or lots and lots of diamonds
  • st1nkst1efel
    4th Nov 2012
    The only problem is, that the explosion creates massive pressure, which make it more complicated to let it explode controlled. And it needs some time until explosion, so it wouldnt work so fast with bvrb than with brel.
  • Hatter
    4th Nov 2012
    Or you can neut it