This factory can convert BREL into EXOT! The Idea to make an EXOT Factory was by Hatter, the factory is by me.
Stnfest, if you heat the BVRB to max temp, it explodes with EXOT and broken electronics as a byproduct
Jaay added a new sign :) Try it out, the destruction will take about 10 minutes... >:)
Over 9000 Degrees? LOLOLOL "It's Over 9000!"
Ahha! When you heat up BVRB to max temp and it blows up, it creates EXOT and broken eletronics as a byproduct
hmm... this will need many experiments to find out.
Additionally, if you use only a pixle of EMP, the eletronics don't get affected that much.
It seems that if you use a 1 pixle wide wire, it isn't affected by the EMP.
Don't forget to edit the description, stinkst. Question: is it possible to somehow isolate the EMP so you can create the broken electronics? Then use your metal factory to make the metal for hte broken eletronics?
oh dont give me cradit there are other peoples too ho invented who is the first? nobody knows so no prob
Sorry, didnt knew that natter7869 had the idea first. Credits go to him!