31 / 2
7th Nov 2012
8th Apr 2013
we need something unique on powdertoy, but it has to be an optional change, something this drastic should not be manditory also i am really surprised by the amount of votes and views i have gotten, i am now hoping to reach fp for moderators to see easily


  • minecraftxbox
    8th Mar 2015
  • 101101
    17th Jul 2014
    This Must Be Done It Will Make The Powder Toy A Better Game [More Realistic]
  • CubicApocalypse
    9th Apr 2013
    No. If you want redstone, go play Minecraft.
  • Sylvi
    8th Apr 2013
    But then why have it if it bulks up the size of electronics? If you;re serious about this idea, post it on the forums where us staff can look at it.
  • cylers
    8th Apr 2013
    true zane, but challenges limit creativity, if we spent all our time securing power soures making electronics would be a bit *too hard* because it wouldnt be worth the time
  • --Zane--
    22nd Mar 2013
    There shouldn't be a option button because it would be a challendge to create a electrical source and this game needs challenges
  • cylers
    13th Jan 2013
    it would be an optional button, don't freak, just electricity here is a bit lacking is all
  • PTuniverse
    13th Jan 2013
    If this idea passes, Metal would be like Redstone in Minecraft. We would require to reamplify the electricity if we were to extend the electricity limit. Even if we still adapted there would be amplifiers everywhere, increasing the size required for circuits and therefore limiting the space left and decreasing computer quality if they were to remain the same size to these adaptations.
  • PTuniverse
    13th Jan 2013
    So you are saying that Powder Toy should have realistic electricity? It would make Powder Toy just as laggy as a realistic simulator. If we were to add realistic electricity, logic gates would start failing, computers will glitch, it would take many days to adapt to this change.
  • cylers
    1st Jan 2013
    i should have worded it better but it is difficult to explain